S.P. 55 Porto Conte - Capo Caccia
km 8,400 Loc. Tramariglio
07041 Alghero (SS) Italy
Postal address: Porto Conte Ricerche S. r. l. - Casella Postale 84 07040 Santa Maria La Palma (SS) – Italy
Ph [+39] 079 998400 - Fax [+39] 079 998567
Email [email protected]
Blue Biotechnology Laboratory

This Laboratory provides services for the development of feeding techniques for mariculture.
Thanks to its integration with the other technology labs, such as the Proteomics Laboratory and the NMR and Imaging Laboratory, the Blue Biotechnology laboratory allows the development of molecular databases and the study of the correlation between feeding and the quality of the fish product, the reduction of animal stress, the improvement of breeding performance, and the effects on the shelf life of the fish.
Technological equipment
It includes a system of nine tanks for experimental infections and nutrition testing, genetic studies and four metabolic chambers.