S.P. 55 Porto Conte - Capo Caccia
km 8,400 Loc. Tramariglio
07041 Alghero (SS) Italy
Postal address: Porto Conte Ricerche S. r. l. - Casella Postale 84 07040 Santa Maria La Palma (SS) – Italy
Ph [+39] 079 998400 - Fax [+39] 079 998567
Email [email protected]

The Research Centre offers training activities for young people engaged in research, development and innovation.
Porto Conte Ricerche organises regular training services aimed at increasing specific skills and acquiring new technological expertise. The training courses are either collective (e.g. summer school) or customised (internships), depending on the requests. Training rooms and the latest technological equipment and facilities are available to the community for continuous professional updating. Porto Conte Ricerche organises international training courses in association with other important scientific institutions.
Porto Conte Ricerche will organize 2 courses in 2018.
Read morePorto Conte Ricerche will organize 2 courses in 2017.
Read morePorto Conte Ricerche invites you to participate to the "2nd International Metaproteomics Symposium: what can we learn about microbial communities and their functions?” that will be held in Alghero (Italy) from the 14th to the 16th of June, 2017.
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