S.P. 55 Porto Conte - Capo Caccia
km 8,400 Loc. Tramariglio
07041 Alghero (SS) Italy
Postal address: Porto Conte Ricerche S. r. l. - Casella Postale 84 07040 Santa Maria La Palma (SS) – Italy
Ph [+39] 079 998400 - Fax [+39] 079 998567
Email [email protected]
Wine production

Sardinia now occupies a stable position of prestige on the national wine scene.
This is not only due to the level of quality achieved by the production of varieties such as Vermentino and Cannonau, but also to policies for the promotion of minor local varieties. Information on the potential of the grapes, even before they arrive at the grape cooperative, are strategic for obtaining quality wines. Successful management of a large quantity of forecast data, including the development of polyphenolic fraction, particularly with regard to red grapes, has proven strategic in this perspective. The contribution of polyphenols to the colour, characterisation of the bouquet and flavour, and the clear link that some compounds establish with the vines, the territories of origin and the wines they produce, are some of the topics examined by the research.
For this industrial sector, Porto Conte Ricerche conducts projects aimed at the molecular characterisation of the grape varieties grown on the island. This has included the development of projects aimed at acquiring information on the polyphenol metabolism of the Cannonau variety, and others for the creation of antocianic profiles of certain minor red grape varieties.