S.P. 55 Porto Conte - Capo Caccia
km 8,400 Loc. Tramariglio
07041 Alghero (SS) Italy
Postal address: Porto Conte Ricerche S. r. l. - Casella Postale 84 07040 Santa Maria La Palma (SS) – Italy
Ph [+39] 079 998400 - Fax [+39] 079 998567
Email [email protected]

Porto Conte Ricerche offers numerous types of services to companies, research centres, and educational and government institutions. The high quality standard of its services to companies is the primary objective of Porto Conte Ricerche.
To date, more than half of the biotech companies operating in Sardinia have requested services and support from the Tramariglio Research Centre. The company is also an important reference point for several traditional businesses, particularly in the field of agri-food and livestock production. These are provided with services for the technological and nutritional characterisation of raw materials, the design and creation of process and product innovations, and the study and implementation of new packaging and product stabilisation systems. The services are guaranteed by the constant development of the Technological Laboratories. They offer machinery, scientific devices and equipment configured as a whole to provide homogeneous core facilities for a technological environment.
The companies that request technological and logistical services at the Tramariglio centre are accommodated as tenants of the Alghero Technology Park. A wide range of additional activities related to the technological and scientific research are provided by the multi-functional rooms, the guest quarters, the canteen, and the services for scientific communication, for international schools and for professional courses for institutions and companies.
Porto Conte Ricerche is an ideal place for holding workshops and conferences.
Read moreLe imprese possono accedere a servizi tecnologici di ultima generazione per sviluppare i propri progetti di innovazione.
Read morePorto Conte Ricerche can accommodate businesses, even in the start-up phase, and public and private research organisations that wish to carry out their activities, particularly research and development.
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